Country Base: Denmark
Industry/Sector/Keywords: Tobacco, Pipes, Cigars, Premium, Enjoyment, Flavors
Below: Before and After Images in Slide Show, Summary, Credits
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STG – Scandinavian Tobacco Group –
Industry Setting
With its 250-year history, STG is the world’s largest manufacturer of cigars and pipe tobacco and holds a strong position in the fine-cut tobacco category in a market dominated by cigarette manufacturers. The Group employs 8,400 people, has 18 offices around the world, and sells its 200+ brands in more than 100 countries.
Whereas STG’s legacy brands are strong and reputable, the corporate brand was weak. External audiences placed STG in the controversial cigarette category despite its divestment of cigarette operations in 2008. Internally, structural changes, due to acquisitions, had left employees feeling loyal to local brands rather than the Group. Combined with an intense battle for market shares, this had resulted in a cautious and dispirited brand in need of a revitalized voice and identity.
Based on conversations with blue- and white-collar workers and external stakeholders, considerations included:
– Elevating the brand position by demonstrating STG as a leading, global company that brands as many but stands as one.
– Positioning STG away from the cigarette category by emphasizing the unrefined nature of its product portfolio.
– Strengthening brand perceptions, establishing STG as dedicated cultivators of enjoyment while adhering to comprehensive marketing restrictions.
Encapsulating STG as ‘Ignited by nature’, the solution brings the Group back to its roots and demonstrates character in business conduct and product creation. The stand allows for a stronger focus on the origins and pleasurable aspects of STG’s products mimicking the position of connoisseur brands within whiskey, coffee and chocolate.
The visual identity features subtle references to STG’s decorative product packaging, which, coupled with the rich brown color scheme, adds tactility and combines business and product in a sensory universe. Supported by striking people and process imagery, the brand now tells the story from seed to final product across all touchpoints with an authentic voice, giving the lion back its roar.
Client: Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S –
Director of Group Communications: Kaspar Bach Habersaat
Brand Strategists/Designers: Make® –
Strategic Director: Morten Brudholm
Co-Strategic Director: Vibe Bangsgaard
Creative Director: Kristoffer Gudbrand
Digital Designer: Jesper Bentzen
Print Designer: Hans Chan
Project Manager: Pia Hausmann Sebell