Enterprise Rebrand
Country Base: Canada
Industry/Sector/Keywords: Associations, Foundations, Institutions, Non-Profits, Charity, Charitable, Organizations, Visual Impairment, Blind, Guide Dogs
Before: Before and After Images in Slide Show, Summary, Credits
Industry Setting

Celebrating 100 years in 2018, the CNIB Foundation (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) is a non-profit organization serving people impacted by blindness. They deliver innovative programs and powerful advocacy that empowers people who are blind to live their dreams and tear down barriers to inclusion.


CNIB was an organization in transition. Following the integration of vision loss rehabilitation services into the public healthcare system in 2017, CNIB was faced with an opportunity to refocus strategic efforts and program offerings. Refocusing it’s efforts as a charitable foundation, the organization aimed to promote a more innovative, connective and forward-thinking future for the people they serve.

The CNIB brand itself was dated, institutional in terms of look and feel, and unfit to move the organization forward into this new era.


A new strategic guiding brand idea – Change What It Is To Be Blind Today – was introduced along with the brand pillars of Urgency, Understanding and Inclusivity. The refreshed brand vision positions the organization as one that empowers people with sight loss to live active and independent lives by advancing society and to ensure equality and inclusion. The bolder, more vibrant brand platform features a high-contrast color palette, hand-written typography, a new logo treatment and graphic elements, such as paintbrush strokes – all designed with accessibility for people with low vision in mind, achieving an AAA accessibility rating.


“This new brand embodies the boldness of our strategic ambitions, and our optimism for a future without limits for every Canadian who’s blind,” says Rob Hindley, Vice President, Marketing and Social Enterprise, at CNIB Foundation. “[The Agency] has been with us every step of the journey, working closely with us to amplify our brand’s unique strengths and ensure it reflects the needs of our organization and community as we enter our second century of operation.”


Client: CNIB Foundation – Canadian National Institute for the Blind – www.cnib.ca

VP, Marketing Communications & Philanthropy: Tim Alcock
VP, Marketing & Product Development: Rob Hindley
Senior Director, Strategic Planning & Corporate Communications: Victoria Pearson

Brand Strategists/Designers: Twice – www.twicebrand.com

VP Brand Strategy, Strategy Lead: Rob Newell
Creative Director, Creative Lead: James Bateman
Account Director, Client Account Lead: Patty Jones
Project Manager, Project Management: Julia Chu
Designer, Design: Chloe Lan
Designer, Design: Anais Favier