Recognition that Counts

Thank you to all that entered the 2020 REBRAND 100® Global Awards! Entries are now closed.

The jury has hard work ahead, with the incredible entries.

Since 2004, REBRAND continues to be the most respected global recognition program for effective brand transformations. Small, regional, global, nonprofit, and private organizations all enrich our experiences and deserve recognition.

REBRAND 100® Global Awards

Recognition for excellence, REBRAND 100 Global Awards is juried by a multidisciplinary panel of prominent, international experts.

See the Jury >>

As a reminder, see why this is an important Awards for entrants:

Why you should enter

Showcase your effective brand transformation capabilities and successes to clients and prospects. The REBRAND 100 Global Awards is the first, global, highest, juried recognition for excellence in brand repositioning. Any other “similar” program is simply an imitator.

A few winners benefits

There is a mix of premium and in-demand benefits for winners. A few include:

  • Prestigious Global Recognition
    Your firm or brand will be showcased on the only, global, renowned site focused on effective brand transformation.
  • Full Page Online Display
    You will have our help in sharing your brand and expertise via our outreach network as we drive many to view the showcases. You will also be able to direct your clients and prospects to the official display that highlights your expertise.
  • Winners Logo License for Agency or Brand Consultant
    Agencies and brand consultants will be granted the right to display the winners logo with your work, as proof that the results you achieved for the brand is verified among peers and the business world in general. License Rights must be secured by brand owners with a minimal investment.
  • REBRAND’s Own Media and Social Channels outreach
    All winners in the showcase benefit from attention and focus from clients, prospects, and the interested business and industry public generated from REBRAND’s robust international media and social channels outreach.
  • Opportunity to Invest in Additional Promotional Support and Metallic Embossed Winners Certificates
    All winners in the showcase can invest in a number of options for premium outreach support as well as option for beautiful, framable embossed certificate or encased versions we prepare and deliver to agency and/or brand owner(s). See more details in the guidelines.

How to enter

Download the call-for-entries guidelines. You will need to read it thoroughly, and endorse that you have fully read and accepted the terms of the entry process. Continuing with the entry sequence means you accept the terms of the guidelines.

Five Steps At-A-Glance: There are mainly five steps steps required.

  1. Gather examples of before and after states of your brand transformation
  2. Write a 300 word summary of your work and list of project credits
  3. Complete the entry fee assessment form, if you haven’t already done so, and process the transaction once you receive the invoice we send via PayPal – once processed, you will need to enter the invoice number as proof of payment on the entry details form in number 4 below
  4. Complete the entry details form accessed here:
  5. When 1-4 above are complete, upload project assets inside a clearly named, single zipped folder here:

It takes little more than those five steps to enter for consideration by our panel of experts

Still here? Read the Guidelines. It will save you a lot of time.